Monday, October 24, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Historical Influences

1. Alfred Russel Wallace

2.  Alfred Russel Wallace was influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution, but he was also influenced by Herbert Spencer, his thoughts on Spencer were strong and it brought him to the thought that there was more to it than just natural selection. He wrote two papers that focused on the theory. The second discussed animal evolution.  He was convinced that natural selection was, but he thought it could do no more than just provide a label for organic diversification. He despised the attempts to apply Darwinism to social analysis by analogy. Spiritualist philosophy helped him recognize that "such progress could not be contextualized within simplistic material "one cause-one effect" frameworks: the more "human" the problem, the more its just solution lay in terms of evolutionarily-consistent goals, as opposed to reactions arising from the consumptive inertia of tradition or habit.-Wallace's Theory of Evolution.'' -The Completion of Wallace's "Theory of Evolution"

3.  If the environment changes, the traits that are helpful or adaptive to that environment will be different. That humans change the environment they're in. That the more we change the more the environment could in the end change or harm us.

4. Yeah he could and and he pretty much did. Wallace just assisted him in the development of his theory. 

5. The church had a negative attitude toward the book because it challenged what they believed. They were alright with it as a scholastic book though.